Peter to Mary Augusta, Kamloops, April 10, 1876

10th April 1876

My dear Pop

I promised to write you a letter, so here it is, not a very long for it is time for me to go to dinner. It is 5- O.C. you are very likely returning from a walk with Mama, if the day is as fine with you as it is with me.

I hope you have been a very good girl since I left, and that Jack has been a good boy. —

I shall expect to see your garden looking very nice, you must be ready to come round the place and show me everything.

Give my love to Frank Puss and Jack and I remain my dear Pop.

Your affectionate Father

P. O’Reilly

Monday Morning
10th April

I wrote this yesterday & now add a line before posting it. I most extraordinary change has taken place in the weather, yesterday it was mild & warm, this morning a keen north wind is blowing & three inches of snow on the ground, & at pesent there is evry appearnace of a heavy fall. I wish I was over the Thompson I was at Savona Ferry, or when a ferry ought to be, & when I shall have to service? the horses.

God bless you all dearest & grant

that we may meet on Wednesday week in health & happiness

as Ever


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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