Peter to Mary Augusta, Langley, November 21, 1874

Mrs. Sipper Sopper
Miss Mary Augusta O’Reilly

21st Nov. 1874

My dear Mrs. Sipper Sopper

I am very sorry that I cannot be at home on Monday to wish you many happy returns of your birthday.

I hope you will have plenty of fun & games, perhaps Mamma may invite a few of your little friends, the Wards or the Drakes, & then I know you would enjoy yourself, but you must be careful not to run about too much for you know I want you to be able to take walks with me when I come back.

Don’t let Mamma forget to give you my present on Monday.

I hope you take good care of Mrs. Wabs, & that you are good to dear Puss & Frank & of course dear Mama. Give my love to all of them and believe me

your affectionate father

P. O’Reilly

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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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