
[no entry]

Up at 5- Breakfasted on bread &
coffee, started at 7- having promised to
send some provisions & medicine to
Rankin who is very ill

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

Held Court at 10- Dismissed the
case against Jas Donnelly for selling
whiskey to Indians. Paid Capt Murry
$392- the amt. of Capt Torrens order on
Dewdney. Called on Mrs Charles & McKay.
Steamer arrived early – Recd letter fr.
– No 13th & newspapers

Up early busy at accounts &
find there is great confusion from the
fact that Frank has not touched them
during my absence. Gave him a rowing
& he turns sulky. Dewdney assists me
to draw map of my trip to the Simil
kameen & Rock Creek. Called on Pringle & wife
heard from him that tomorrow would the Holy
Communion would be administered.

Up at 6- beautiful morning Read
Breakfast at 8- Dewdney left for his
trail – Service at 11- A little late as
Pringle commenced before the hour – 26
attended. Holy Communion 6- remained
Called at the Fort Mrs McKay suffering much
from her eye. Elliot & Hatchmidt arrived
from Yale & dined – Service at 6- only 13
present – Tea at Pringle’s. Elliot & Pringle
adjourned to my room & had a smoke

Str Col Moody arrived at 5- AM, &
Returned at 11- O.C. Rhodes & Green took
out mining certificates &c Elliot held
his court – Scott v. Coe – decided by a jury
Verdict for Plaintiff £4//0//0.
Walked with Elliot to see Glennies
horses & exported to find him there
but was disappointed – got wet
through. Pringle & Charles spent
the evening Crickmer arrived fr Yale but
was late for Steamer – went on to N. W. Minster in canoe
[overwritten text]
Horses found
by HBC men
12 miles down the
River having
been lost a

Up early Elliot left for Yale
went down the river to collect mining
licenses took Teague & Cambo the
Chinese interpreter – collected over £50.
Settled dispute on Hudson Bar –
returned very late – Walked with
Teague from Mariaville Island, lost on
way in the dark and did not get home
till 9½ wet, cold, & hungry.

Very wet morning. Dewdney left from
his arrived from the trail, busy at
accounts but getting on very slowly.
Steamer Col Moody arrived at 3 P.M.
very few passengers & but little freight
Letter from the Col & as unsatisfactory
as usual & all about his preemptions. 1 Letter
for the Gov – Walked with Dewdney called
at Glenies, but the good people were out. Dewdney
& Portman spent the evening.

Up early – Very wet night, & morning
Dewdney left for the trail. Paid Charles
the HBC acct against Engineers. In
house all the day – Str left at 10 A.M.
Sent the Gov letter & my report on the
state of the trail to Similkameen with
newspapers by [left blank] – Landvoigt
called with reference to his accts.
McKay walked back from the 2nd Crossing
where the brigade are encamped for 3
days in consequence of wet weather.

Up at 5- wet morning writing to
Mamsey. – Held Court – Paid Landvoigt
& Hotchin their accts in full for R. E. &
Boston Bar trail, also my private acct.
Pringle in a dreadful state of excitement
about the Romanists purchasing Walkers
lot. He started for Yale to give service for

Breakfasted at Thomas’ with Dewdney
& Gompertz Beautiful morning the
weather appears to have taken up
Held Court – Busy in office all day
Paid Uren in full Engineers acct & bill
given him by Finlaison for money advanced
to Ross. Lent Pringle $100- to pay
Coes – instalment of Scotts debt. Paid first
assessment on Silver lead for Nind & my
self $35- Anderson Dewdney Compts. Stephens
spent the evening. Saw Mrs McKay & Miss Burnie
on board

Up at 5 beautiful morning Steamer Col.
Moody left at 6- Held Court – Left with Buie
for Boston B. trail at 11½ – rode the Col’s Horse
Killed a grouse with a stone – lounched at
Golden flat. Found the trail much cut
up, & was not able to get along as fast
as I expected, by the time we reached the
top of the burnt hill it became so dark
that it was with great difficulty that
we could get along – had to light matches
several times – reached the camp at 7½.

Up at 6- went back on the trail that
had been repaired about four miles in
all which appears very little, but is
very well done – returned to camp at
11- fed the horses & started for Hope
about 1½ to 2 miles beyond [illegible] river
observed an opening in the mountain
which should be explored as it is likely to
lead to Kamloops & Nicola lake. Reached
home at 7- P.M. quite dark

Up early breakfast at Thomas’s with Elliot
& Saunders – Held Court fined H. Campbell
£20- for selling liquor to Indian dismissed the
case against Maddren. Took Walkers security
for the payment of fine in one month D. Fraser
Dallas & [left blank] called – paid Mrs D. a visit
Str left for N.W.M. Elliot & Landvoigt went down
Rode to Quaquealla & met Dunbar the Expressman
return fr Similkameen – heard of the Gov being
expected. Tea at the Fort
[overwritten text]
Paid Pringle
$7-50 out of the
Church Collection
defray expenses of
sending men to

Up early cold & stormy morning went
up the river to visit the different mining
bars & took J. Buie up as Constable – Dallas &
wife & all his party started for Yale at the
same time did not get back till late
tired & hungry. Cregie called having just
returned from Rock Creek was sorry to hear
that his claim had turned out badly. News very
good – The Gov had arrived at Similkameen
en route to R. Creek. Wrote up my accts for [illegible].

Sunday up early Read – Rode to the Colonels
hill with Corporal House – Service in Court
House at 11- 15- attended – Read & worked
in office – dined at the Fort – Splendid melon
grown in Charles garden. Called on the Glenies
Portman arrived from the trail Similkameen
trail & gives an unfavourable account of it.
Pringle came to have service – but no attendance
& service not read. Row at Thomas’
ordered the home to be closed for the night.

Up early – Held court at 10 – Popper arrived
from Similkameen on last evening & called with
some letters, & applications to preempt land
fr Allison Marston & Barnett – Cregie
called to record for Orr & McDonell. Paid Cregie
in full Rock Creek acct. handed the balance
in hand of Church Collections to Pringle.
Rode my horse & found that he was
sound – Dallas – Mrs & McTavish arrived
from Yale – Tea at Pringles – afterwards
went to the Fort

Up at 5- Dallas breakfasted at
6- left with him for the Similkameen train
at 7- arrived at Beaver lake at noon, where
we were entertained by China man (Dewdneys
Cook) – fed the horses & started at 1½ O.C. P.M.
Arrived at the Camp at 6- the entire distance
being about 28 miles the trail in very
good order except about 8 miles between
falls & first bridge – Slept in Moberly’s tent
very a good deal tired.

Up at 6- Rode cold night frost in
the morning. Rode with Dallas & Moberly
over the Punch bowl Mountain old Bellingham Bay
trail to Sergt
McCalls Camp – passed McMullin & Indian
on their way for provisions – reached the camp
at 12 – when the Sergt informed me of his having
discovered an other pass about 4 miles west of
the Punch bowl. The Sergt gave us a capital
lunch, arrived at camp at dark having first
ridden over the new trail which is very good
found Hunt with his train & 17 mules at the

Up at light frosty morning – left the
camp for Hope at 7- AM Dallas & Moberly
the latters horse very lame – passed Edney’s
train a few miles from the lake. Before
leaving the camp wrote to the Gov. Enclosed
his letters & sent them on by Hurt.
Arrived at the lake at 12- & home at 5.
Str Col Moody arrived at the same time with
Moberly Dewdneys Gompertz Burnaby Sanders &
Elliot &c – all of whom spent
the evening – Heaton arrived fr. Alexandria &
stopped at Pringles.

Elliot Sanders Burnaby & myself breakfasted at Thomas
Wrote some letters lent my over coat to Heaton
to go down & cover his leather [illegible words]. He
Dallas wife McTavish Moberly & Lee went down.
Str left 12- Went to Silver lead with
Burnaby Sanders Elliott & Pringle all dined with
me at Thomas & spent the evening – Cards
at which I lost $1-50 – Sat up later Elliot
as usual making a row – turned in at
1 P.M.
[overwritten text]
Posted No 14
to Mamsey

Up early breakfasted at Thomas with
Sanders Elliot & Burnaby. Gave Elliot
my transfers from Popper & Pringle – Corry did
not give his. Held Court fined Buie $10- for
assault. Elliot Sanders & Burnaby left for
Yale. Dewdney & Gompertz for the trail. Paid
Carter my own acct & the B Bar do
Rode to Cornish Bar to inspect
the mining ditches of Coe & Lane & Co.
got a bad fall off horse returning – hurt my
shoulder & elbow

Up at 6- stiff & sore from the effects of
Yesterday – Read – Service at 11- AM – 7-
attended – wet day – lounched at the Fort
Str Col Moody arrived at 2- OC – Moberly returned
Called on Mrs Pringle, & had a long chat.
No service in the afternoon Pringle &
Moberly spent the evening. Read –
& felt very lonely & turned in at 10- P.M.
Constable Commelin arrived from Yale
with warrants for the arrest of 4 men
charged with Robbery

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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